Sustainable Community Innovation and Women's Empowerment from the Ground Up

Educational projects are initiated from the ground up and at the neighbourhood level. Women of diverse ethnic backgrounds will co-produce cross-cultural knowledge and experience that will result in long-term community innovation and empowerment.



The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Project Type


Project Nature

Education and learning

Major Beneficiaries

People of diverse race

Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (months)




Impact / Expected Impact

Women of different ethnic backgrounds co-produce cross-cultural knowledge and positive intercultural experience through neighbourhood projects, thereby creating long term community innovation and selfsustained empowerment. The project aims to increase appreciation of the value of cultural diversity in Hong Kong on the personal and family levels, in the cognitive, affective, and social domains; spread the concept of interculturalism on the neighborhood level through outreach programs; and facilitate sustainable community innovation through mentoring projects in culturally diverse neighbourhoods.

Project Website


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