Realizing Children's Potential in Language Development

Using interactive and evidence-based applications to analyse children’s language development and provides early interventions, the language competency of children at risk, especially those from underprivileged families, will be enhanced.



The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Project Type


Project Nature

Education and learning

Major Beneficiaries


Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (months)




Impact / Expected Impact

This project makes use of technology to track children’s language development real time and analytic assessment of children’s word process speed by interactive and evidence-based game contents rather than traditional flashcard. It provides opportunities for age-appropriate interactive word learning and boost vocabulary of preschool children in Cantonese and English. It also promotes equal opportunity in language learning and gives underprivileged (low socioeconomic status, SES) children practical help and care in order to realize their potential.

Project Website


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