Expanding the EmpowerU Educational Platform

prototype, education and learning, other beneficiary groups, Impact Incubator

Providing affordable/free online courses for the underprivileged


The venture aims to offer affordable/free online courses to the underprivileged in Hong Kong.

The project will work to digitalise the existing offline course materials, which are mainly composed by professional educators at The University of Hong Kong and other education partners for the “EmpowerU Program”, for inclusion on the emerging online learning platform.

In addition, the project team plans to continue to expand the curriculum by engaging with stakeholders from different industries such as academia, NGOs and public bodies. The course curriculum will cover a wide range of topics, including basic technology, public health, law, business and finance and communication. It aims to provide the underprivileged with equal access to learning opportunities and thus to enhance social inclusion.

Name of Organisation


Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (Status)

1 year (Ended)


  • Reached 7 127 targeted students via the live streaming and educational videos
  • Digitalised and posted 21 online courses on an online learning platform
  • Engaged and collaborated with 63 community partners
  • Completed the website redesign and adopted a new online database for course registration and other administration tasks
  • Offered certificates of completion to all graduated trainees of the summer programme
  • Created a new brand via a social media platform named “PowerThru” for promoting the programme to people of diverse race in Hong Kong

