Makeover a New Life / Fullness Salon

Video - introduction of Fullness Salon

Life is not easy for deviant youth who wish to reintegrate into society. Most of them cannot find a proper job due to their lack of academic qualifications and relevant work experience. Their self-esteem is low and do not see any hope in life – Fullness Salon is to help these people.
Fullness Salon started in 2001 at Mongkok and moved to Sai Wan Ho in 2004. Throughout the years, it provides job opportunities for teenagers who once lost their directions in life, equips them with salon skills and helps them develop a life-long career in a 18-month training. Besides professional knowledge, what Fullness values more is life coaching. The ‘apprentice system' is emphasised, and masters spend time with thier apprentices to share religious beliefs and life values.
In 2008, Fullness became the first social enterprise in Hong Kong that used a limited-by-share structure to attract individual investors who want to contribute to the social good. Started with a mission and incorporated with a business model, Fullness makes a good example which fellow organisations can learn from.


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