Digital Mental Healthcare for Cancer Patients Scheme (Hollo)

healthcare, low-income families, Grant for Good

Rolling out an app to provide disease management and mental wellness support to cancer patients



The venture will launch a digital disease companion app, aiming to serve 360 cancer patients from low-income families and 180 cancer patients from general families. It will provide digital therapy, mental health AI-tracking, credible health information and social resources.

The venture will also collaborate with The University of Hong Kong and NGOs on education workshops which advocate better well-being of cancer patients.

Name of Organisation

Hollo Limited

Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (Status)

2 years (Active)

Expected Impact

  • Launch a digital disease companion app
  • 180 general cancer patients use the paid premium version of the app and 180 patients from low-income families use it with fee waived
  • 180 patients use the free version of the app
  • Conduct 5 in-person mental wellness workshops for cancer patients
  • Confirm partnership agreements with 5 NGOs, clinics or hospitals


(To be updated when available)

