Chung Wai Shing joined the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong in 1994. Four years later he founded Cheers Gallery, which was the first integrated retail shop in the Social Services Building under the Association. In 2002, he helped establish the MentalCare Connect Co. Limited, a subsidiary of the Association that runs cleansing, retail, catering, publication and e-commerce businesses. Taking up the role of Managing Director (now Chief Executive Officer) in 2012, he led the launch of a Point-Of-Sale system that integrated retail, warehousing, online store and membership system in a single platform to enhance the e-commerce operation. Up to 2015, MentalCare has run 25 social business projects, made an annual revenue of over $100M, and around 70% of its staff were disabled or disadvantaged people.

Scope of Services


Read more
- An interview with Mr Chung Wai Shing - Social Enterprise World Forum 2016 (YouTube, 7/9/2016) (Chinese only)