Ryan Yeung, a former civil servant, notices that the newly retired have limited choice for activities other than babysitting their grandchildren and going to elderly centres. In 2014 he quitted the enviable job and founded Happy Retired, a social enterprise providing job matching service and an activity platform for these “young-old” via its website and mobile app.
Currently, Happy Retired has about 50,000 users, many of whom hold professional qualifications and are eager to continue their contributions. While providing job recruiting and matching service for retired persons, the platform helps many social enterprises and SMEs recruit experienced talents. “At their age, they would prefer to utilise their knowledge and skills for something meaningful; salaries are of relatively less importance,” said Yeung. Members of Happy Retired also contribute their strengths to co-organising activities while gaining a sense of commitment and satisfaction. All align with the social enterprise’s vision of “Fun. Health. Social Good.” in creating a happy, healthy and fruitful life for the young-old.
Starting a business is not easy, not to mention the financial pressure of running it with sponsorship and income from advertisement as Yeung reveals. Yet he is filled with delights when it comes to the part of the fellow members. “We hold 2 to 3 activities each day on average. Some members visit us almost every day, treating me like their own son. Some of them looked gloomy at first but gradually enjoyed participating in activities and became bright and lively. Their changes give meaning to my work.”

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(To be updated)