Having worked in the high-end technology industry for over 10 years, Henry Lee believes that "innovation technology" and "creative problem solving" skills are not exclusive to adults. Children can also be nurtured to become "makers" who offers innovative solutions for social problems.
While studying design thinking in Chicago, Henry was impressed by the creativity of the children there and the way they were groomed. "3D printing is an innovative technology but is not widely used in Hong Kong. The general public can hardly have the access to learn related technology. But in libraries in Chicago, training is provided and children are free to use 3D printers." Fed up with the situation in Hong Kong where children get addicted to smartphones, Henry decided to set up Idea Maker Project. 3D printing technology is introduced as the key component in its training programme combining "innovation technology" and "design thinking". Children are encouraged to solve problems by "self-invention". Courses in innovative technology are also offered to children of low-income group, enabling them to enjoy the merits of technology and have their horizons broadened.
The project has collaborated with 12 schools in the past 2 years, benefitting about 400 students. Henry hopes that Idea Maker HK will become the starting point for children to develop into active learners who are not afraid of making mistakes, show interest to innovation, and eventually contribute to building a better society.
- The SIE Fund has provided funding for the startup project of Idea Maker Project. More details can be found here.

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