Graduating from the London School of Economics, having worked in accounting and banking, founder of Community Business advocating CSR, Shalini's greatest adversity in life was the tragic and sudden death of her first born child Zubin at the age of 3. While she could do nothing about her child's death, she determined to help others in need. She founded The Zubin Foundation with her husband to raise awareness on social issues that do not receive enough attention in Hong Kong including people of diverse race and non-Chinese speaking children with special education needs (SEN). Shalini hopes the Foundation can help build a more inclusive society as well as make some good come from her child's passing.
Inspired by a professor who spoke about transparency of hospital outcomes at a Harvard Executive Leadership programme in 2015, Shalini established a social enterprise called HospitalAdvisor. This is an online platform to help Hong Kong patients make informed decisions about hospitals in Hong Kong.
- The SIE Fund is funding the startup project of The Zubin Mahtani Gidumal Foundation Limited. More details can be found here.

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