We all have dreams, big or small. However, we put our dreams aside too often and too easily as we grow.
The founding members of MaP, with profound experience in counselling and youth service, have come across many marginalised youth who looked down on themselves and gave up their dreams. With disabilities or a disgraceful past, these youngsters felt being labelled as inferior members and burdens of the society. The MaP team, on the contrary, believes that the unique experiences of these youngsters are valuable assets. When tapped properly, they are sources of vigour and impetus for self-fulfillment and inspiration of others.
Deploying their professional knowledge to an innovative venture, the MaP team set up the social business with the aim of unleashing the youth’s latent capabilities and recruiting them as trainers who will coach other vulnerable youths by examples. The team is co-working with the trainers to turn the latter’s stories into “Viewer” which will help other youth revive their dreams and map out their own path for realisation.
- The SIE Fund had provided funding support for MaP. More details can be found here.

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