The Task Force Members come from a wide range of backgrounds, experience and expertise. They are prominent and respected figures in their fields and hold positions in various different organisations. The diversity of the Task Force brings value and depth to discussions and decisions but Members are alert to the risk of perceived or actual conflicts of interest in assessment of proposals submitted to the SIE Fund.
Taking into account the need to solicit the valuable knowledge and experience of those Members who are actively involved in the social innovation space while upholding the principle of fairness in the assessment process, the Task Force has devised a two-tier declaration of interest mechanism:
- 1st Tier - Chairperson and Members will have to declare their interest, after joining the Task Force.
[ click here to visit the webpage of the Commission on Poverty (CoP) for declaration of interests of Members of CoP]
- 2nd Tier - Chairperson and Members will have to declare their interests against the list of applicants (both at organisational and personal levels). Members with material conflict of interest* will be excused from the relevant interviews and assessment process.
*For instance: the Member is the bidder, or is a shareholder of the bidding organisation with 10% or more voting power, or holds a remunerated position in the bidding organisation, or is a relative of the bidder