Talking Words: Audio Supported Reading for Children Learning Chinese as an Additional Language (CAL)

prototype, education and learning, children and youth, Impact Incubator

Providing a reading programme with Chinese storybooks adapted with audio content for students learning Chinese as an additional language (CAL)



Through a reading programme, the venture aims to facilitate Chinese storybook reading among primary school students learning Chinese as an additional language (CAL) who do not have a Chinese language environment at home.

The venture will add audio content and glossaries to a series of 30 Chinese storybooks. This adaptation will reduce the obstacles in recognising written Chinese while increasing CAL students’ interest in reading Chinese storybooks and helping them feel more confident about reading Chinese.

The venture will produce 30 Chinese language storybooks adapted with audio content accessible via audio pens and vocabulary lists.

To encourage CAL students to read Chinese storybooks, the venture will employ three young people of diverse race to hold a total of 16 storytelling workshops at schools and a community centre. An exhibition will be held upon completion of the programme to conclude and showcase the programme’s achievements.

The reading programme is expected to reach 140 CAL students.

Name of Organisation

(Not applicable)

Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (Status)

1 year and 3 months (Ended)


  • Produced 30 sets Chinese language storybooks adapted with audio content accessible via audio pens
  • Provided storytelling training to 6 youths of diverse race as storytellers
  • Recruited 216 students of diverse race to join reading sessions
  • Engaged 167 audience of diverse race in the exhibition
  • Organised 23 workshops

