
prototype, living, persons with disabilities, Good Seed

Developing a sign language translation system as an aid for communicating with the hearing impaired


The venture aims to develop a sign language translation system with adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and graphic/visual technology for service providers (clients) to enhance communication with hearing impaired persons. Two applications, namely the Signtoon kiosk and the Signtoon text to sign language translator, will be developed in the project. The Signtoon kiosk provides an accessible device with a total solution, comprising the kiosk hardware and the required software, for the clients, so that hearing impaired persons can access their services and retrieve information more conveniently. The Signtoon text to sign language translator will be developed for pilot use in medical service. A database of words and phrases of medical service will be built for translating text into sign language to aid medical practitioners in communicating with the hearing impaired.

Name of Organisation

Clozeupp Auto Tech Limited

Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (Status)


Expected Impact

Not Applicable