
prototype, job training and opportunities, children and youth, Impact Incubator

Training programme on short film production to help underprivileged students acquire knowledge and skills for the media industry


The venture will conduct a media training programme on production of short film for underprivileged students. The students will learn the knowledge and production skills for developing a career in the film or social media industry

The programme will be conducted by stages during the summer holidays. Secondary students from underprivileged groups and with special education needs will be recruited through schools and social media platforms. In the programme, the participants will learn the basic skills of filming and produce 10 to 15 short films addressing particular social issues under the guidance of a mentor from the media industry. The five most outstanding short films will be featured at the 2019 Hong Kong Kids International Film Festival (KIFF).

Name of Organisation

3space Limited

Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (Status)

9 months (Ended)


  • Recruited 12 mentors and trainers from movie and media industry
  • Collaborated with 9 NGOs for providing sharing sessions on different social issues in Hong Kong
  • Reached over 300 000 students from 960 primary and secondary schools
  • Conducted three training and ten mentorship/ tutoring/ production sessions for over 140 students
  • Received a total of 34 short films submission featuring local social issues from 31 schools/NGOs
  • Became one of the Festival Partners of the 25th ifva Awards organised by Hong Kong Arts Centre
  • Invited the above 34 teams to participate in the 25th ifva Awards. Of the 34 teams, four were selected/ awarded in the competition

