AR Training Play

start-up, education and learning, children and youth, Impact Incubator

Development of motion sensor EduTech games by making use of augmented reality and virtual reality to address the needs of students with dyslexia


Riding on the success of the prototype project “Augmented Reality Playbook” funded by the SIE Fund in 2016, AESIR Limited aims to extend its impact on supporting learning activities of children with special educational needs (SEN) by its start-up project that develops augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) “EduTech” games.

Through collaborating with teachers of special schools and therapists, the venture will design three sets of motion sensor games, namely “口唱書空–體感書寫訓練遊戲” (text-writing exercise), “認讀訓練–辨別文字遊戲” (text-reading exercise) and “句子組織訓練” (sentence-building exercise) to help students with dyslexia learn Chinese vocabularies and sentence structure.

Besides, the venture will organise three workshops for 50 teachers, therapists and parents to learn about gamification in EduTech and positive psychology techniques to support SEN students’ learning.

Income will be generated from the sale of motion sensor games to schools and NGOs, game customisation service for school-based curriculum, and workshop fees.

  • Click here to learn more about the "Hong Kong Social Innovators" behind this venture

Name of Organisation

AESIR Limited

Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (Status)

1.5 years (Ended)


  • Developed three motion sensor games to assist SEN students to learn Chinese
  • Promoted the games to around 200 SEN students
  • Sold the games to eight schools/NGOs
  • Held three sharing sessions for over 100 teachers, therapists, researchers and parents
  • Recruited and trained eight volunteers to promote the games to students and members of the public
